Friday, May 30, 2014

a productive and unproductive week

As the title suggests this week I was pretty productive and unproductive. Uh, wait, whaaat? You probably asked yourself. Well I'll tell you. Monday was Memorial Day so all I did was help get a dinner ready for my cousins. I guess that's pretty productive. The rest of the week was either spent crying because of the Nats, applying for jobs, watching Game of Thrones, or trying to clean my room (it never really gets anywhere). You can decide for yourself which of those were productive and which weren't. Yesterday I had to get my dad from the doctor's because he had a procedure to break up a kidney stone so I picked him up but earlier that day before I got him I spent time with my amico going into every single store in Tysons 2. We didn't buy anything. So you could say the productivity balanced out the un-productivity. That's alright, right?

It's finally Friday so you know what that means!!

1. The bathrooms are finished!! The bathrooms are finished!! No strange men walking around my house everyday!
2. Getting thank you notes written and putting them in the mailbox
3. My panama hat :-))))

1. Cleaning my room - it's a never ending process
2. Hormonal breakouts
3. Waking up later than usual

Tonight my sister and I are going to see the Nats play. Let's hope we actually get a win.

Until tomorrow,


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