Friday, January 10, 2014

my job

For the past 5 semesters I have been a gallery monitor at my school's on-campus gallery. I pretty much was a security guard for the gallery. I have told many people to not touch the art. So. Many. People. Lots of old people, which has always seemed weird to me...Anyway this past semester the student coordinator had to step down and she asked me to take over! I was so surprised I was chosen to take over. There is a lot that goes into this job and I am a little nervous I am going to screw this up but I am also excited. This will be good for my resume and my experience in galleries. I will probably post monthly updates on how the job is going.

This is going to now segue into my likes and dislikes because it is Friday and because I like traditions. Here we go:

1. my new job
2. getting things in the mail
3. Teen Wolf, mostly just Stiles though. Dylan O'Brien. I love you.

I know if we ever met and decided to get married or something we'd both be like this the whole time

1. accidentally getting cologne on me (I smelled like a man earlier. A good smelling man that is, which I don't have that big a deal with but I'd rather smell like a lady)
2. revising schedules
3. the movie Endless Love. Oh my gosh that movie looks horrible and I have now seen a million ads for it and it just looks awkward and not good and I know it is going to get under 15% on Rotten Tomatoes

I hope you had a good week!

Until next time,


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